Big big problem!!! update form

really need help (again :P)
the project is almost finished but i have problems in update

My BD:

Solicitud ( sol_id, inv_id, est_id)
Investigado (inv_id, …)
Estudio (est_id, …)
Perfil (per_id, per_sol_id, …)
Resultado (res_id, res_sol_id, …)
… etc, etc, etc


make a request (Add data in “solicitud”, “estudio” and “investigado”)
Update request (update “Perfil”,“Resultado”, …)
Generate pdf report (with other conection, in other window, with “sol_id” param)

SC system

Grid to view requests
Forms to update rows
3 files with other type of conection to generate graphs
1 file to generate pdf report
menus, other grids, etc etc

Well, in my local PC the system works without errors. In server only have 1 error in update
I do is:
a)Log in the system
b)select a row from grid
c)select a form (form_perfil, form_resultado, etc) to update the row
d)return to the grid to pick another row
e)repeat c)

n)generate and see the report

well, that works fine, in step c) in “load form” I call the files with other conection (pg_connect(…) and pgclose(…) at the end)

But if I want to see the report (click on link in grid, open window with pdf, close window) and return to the grid, pick another row and try update I get this error:

“Error updating database - row not found”

only after to see the report :S

to see what happens I turn on the debug mode

On load form
(postgres7): SELECT inv_id, inv_emp_id, inv_nombre, inv_paterno, inv_materno, inv_edad, inv_fecha_nac, inv_lugar_nac, inv_sexo, inv_edo_civil, inv_dom, inv_plano, inv_telefono, inv_tel_cel, inv_correo, inv_puesto, inv_interes, inv_identif, inv_calle_der, inv_calle_izq, inv_calle_pos, inv_calle_prin from public.investigado WHERE (inv_id=4) LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0

(postgres7): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM public.investigado WHERE inv_id=4

(postgres7): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM public.investigado WHERE ((inv_id < 4)) AND (inv_id=4)

(postgres7): select count(*) from public.investigado where inv_id = 0

“Error updating database - row not found”

Whyyyyyy??? :S

please help.

Re: Big big problem!!! update form

Got almost the same problem.

Solution was: I had a field that was updatable, and was part of the primary key in the form (SQL branch). Changing this field and saving gives the error.
So just don’t make a field that’s part of the primary key updatable.

Re: Big big problem!!! update form

sometime i had the same problem, it was because i didn’t define the field as primary key in the form and in the SQL section too

I hope this can help you