Blank Login Page Issue After Deploying Scriptcase Application on Linux Server


I have developed an application using Scriptcase, and it runs smoothly in the development environment. The login page prompts me to enter a username and password as expected.

However, after deploying the application on my Linux server, the login page only displays a blank screen (see attached screenshot).

I am currently using Scriptcase version 9.11.006 (3).

Could someone assist me in resolving this blank page issue on the login screen?

Thank you!!

maybe try turning on debug mode so you can see the error message?

application >> settings >> near the bottom

Hi, you probably have an outdated instruction with your PHP version. The same thing has happened to me several times in production, blank page, no errors displayed, not even in debug mode. To find out where I was executing, I had to keep posting echo messages until I found the problem.

The debug log message indicates two main issues:

  1. Missing Table: sec_settings

    • The error Table 'jciops.sec_settings' doesn't exist suggests that the table sec_settings is missing from the database jciops.
    • Solution:
      • Check your database schema to ensure that the table sec_settings exists. If it’s missing, you may need to restore it from a backup or create it based on your application requirements.
      • If sec_settings is part of the initial setup of your Scriptcase application, try re-running any database initialization scripts provided by Scriptcase or your application.
  2. Permissions Issue on Table sec_logged

    • The error DELETE command denied to user 'federated'@'' for table 'sec_logged' shows that the user federated doesn’t have permission to delete records from the sec_logged table.
    • Solution:
      • Grant the necessary permissions to the user federated to perform DELETE operations on sec_logged:
        GRANT DELETE ON jciops.sec_logged TO 'federated'@'';
      • Verify that the database credentials configured in your Scriptcase application are correct and that the user has full privileges on all required tables.

After addressing these database issues, I reloaded the application and the blank page issue was resolved.