Is the forum being moderated ???
apparently not.
I just sent an email to Marcia at SC to alert her. They need a staff person to clean this all up ASAP.
I stopped moderating the forum. SC is totally unresponsive and I don’t have the time to clean everything. I’m here to answer questions, not cleaning. Today I removed all the rubish from this forum. It’s a final call towards SC to start acting as they should. It will leave this forum if they don’t.
I haven’t been a SC user for that long, but I’ve evaluated numerous products and chose SC, not because of the features alone, but because it’s a platform, and doesn’t require much if any editing of files, but the most important to me is price. I have a close second too, which I also bought, and if SC doesn’t get their act together I’ll be using my second choice. It does require a great deal of editing of files, but I also bought 3 years of upgrades, so I can see it’s potential. So SC get your act together or lose customers. Heck, if you can’t get your act together … shut the shop down. I hope you get your act together though, you have a great product! I’m sure there’s 100’s, maybe 1000’s that feel the way I do.
Albert and Shawn, I agree with your sentiment, I can’t see how they can offer this forum as support and make ABSOLUTELY no effort to participate. It cannot be left up to the user community.
I have been using SC for a year and even paid for support. I was not totally happy with the level of support I received and did not renew. Other companies are falling over their feet to make sure their developer community stay happy and evangelize their product, I recently dealt with Telerik( when a limitation in the SC Grid and form apps forced me to look elsewhere… What a pleasure it was to deal with their support team.
My licenses are coming up for renewal and I doubt that I will renew.
Well, I know that there are companies with a much higher level of support. Mine to mention one
I need a php solution and SC is still the best on the market, eh, 8.1 is. I have so much build that I’m not very likely to stop using it. But I’m not going to spend time helping people out and cleaning this forum when there is no appreciation from the SC organization. That’s for sure.
Well said Albert. I do enjoy the fact that SC is a packaged environment compared to other solutions and do continue to use it. Whether or not I stay will depend on SC.