BUG - Fields display outside of the Tab area after update

I am having problems with the display of fields in a Tab in the form.

All fields positioned in this Tab section display outside of the Tab area.
This has started happening after updating to the last update.

This appears in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.

Seems to work correctly in Google Chrome only.

Any able to confirm the same problem in their applications?




We had similar symptoms. We immediately reverted back to 8.00.0028, the last version that we have been able to use reliably.

Using an update that fixes 3 bugs and creates 8 new bugs hurts us and our customers too much.
We have commercial websites that generate large revenue streams for our customers. Due to the poor quality of the updates from NetMake, we must do full Regression Testing with each update on each project before we can release the update to our developers.

We cannot allow the poor quality control of NetMake to be reflected in our products. We care about our customers.


Unfortunately that’s true. We too first install updates on a separate sc install and test if it breaks things. Also we always make a full backup before updating so we can revert.

Hi Anil and Dave,

That problem already has been solved. Did you try a manual update of Scriptcase? Case not, please do it. If the problem persists, let me know, for that I can report for the bugs team and fix quickly.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi guys,

Do you have any notice about the case?

[QUOTE=c.vinicius;34371]Hi guys,

Do you have any notice about the case?[/QUOTE]

No, sorry. I cannot risk installing updates. I have customers that depend on the system to work. I am staying at 8.00.0028 until some stable release comes out. Just too many new bugs being introduced with each release. I cannot do an update to fix two things and risk breaking 4 other things.

In my opinion, NetMake has lost credibility with me.


Unfortunately this is a true situation. Scriptcase should be able to easily revert back to previous version, or roll out a pre-release that can be installed besides the original one so it’s easy to check if it does not break anything. One option might be to release a 7 days licence for this so everybody can have a look before upgrading. For power users it is an unacceptable risk to upgrade without precautions. We make a full backup of the scriptcase install before upgrading so that we can always revert back, but it’s not a good option if you don’t find your issues fast.

[QUOTE=c.vinicius;34371]Hi guys,

Do you have any notice about the case?[/QUOTE]

In my case I updated when readed your post and worked.

.0028 that sounds familiar, we are still on that version too. After that the bugs are annoying… Once a good version comes in and we test it then we decide to update (after a big backup…)