Bug in form when combining N-N relationship and document(database)

Hi everyone,

If you have a form (single record) AND in this form you have one or more N-N relationships AND you include a field “Document (database)” type everything works ok except that the form “forgets” to save the documents you included in document-database field.

If you try the form with Debug Mode on it cab be seen that all the inserts and deleted are done except those related with Document-database field.

I’m using SC v7.

I didn’t try but could be a bug too if you have already some files defined for the field and try to delete one or more.



Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


If possible, send me the application problem and tables that are involved, so I can analyze it locally.

 E-mail: [EMAIL="j.lennon@netmake.com.br"]j.lennon@netmake.com.br[/EMAIL]