Bug in IDE

When changing SQL statements for the grid SC generates errors (see image below). This happens only for grid Apps. Once the App is saved and re-opened the Error is gone, but I’m not sure if it had impact on anything else. The same NON-ENGLISH SAGA continues so I’m really do not know what those errors are about (because lazy programmers decided not to use English for error messages).

I just changed one latter in the SQL statements (i.e changing the table name from G_languages TO g_languages ------- this results Errors !



I am still using version 6 BUT…
What item did you add to the sql?
Was it NOT operatorid?
If so I have found if you add new items to the grid, and you didn’t add to the end of the list, it caused errors

This is why I always add items to the end of the list


Was that the problem?

IF YOU READ CAREFULLY YOU WOULD NOT ASK THIS QUESTION! I stated clearly what happened in my case

changing the table name from G_languages TO g_languages ------- this results Errors

I do not remember this happening in SC6 or SC7 - only SC8+

I guess since tables are case sensitive in SOME databases that you should regenerate or remake the whole grid…

This is the reason I stopped assisting on questions

People can be such asses

I can’t imagine how the order of the items in SQL statements (columns) can affect SC IDE ? and if it does there is something in SC to fix.

rr - it is not a matter of regenerating the grid! I noticed when I make changes to SQL STATMENT I get this error all the time. Even if I add a space I get this error.
for example changing this

CustomerID = [glo_customerid]

to this (speces around = removed)


causes the error! So if somebody tries to tell me I should re-generate the App - I don’t think this is the case or the problem


Actually I really don’t care whether you believe something that I know is true or not

Best proof is in the pudding

Freaking make a test app and generate and then add a new field in the sql in the middle of the query

I am again done trying to help people who don’t want it or quite literally are rude in a reply to the help


Date for fix bug???