BUG in Menu Application

Hello it seems that there is a bug in the Menu application !

Problem is with the option - Default Application - !

When you create a menu with Static Menu Items, the function works a as assumed.
What i mostly do is to create the Menu dynamically with the functions sc_appmenu_…

Now after checking all my Menues the Default Application is not working, when you generate the menu over a lookup of the DB.
When i put the Menu Items with the function sc_appmenu_add_item() static on the onLoad all is working.

I checked this also with my latest V7.1 version, here everything works as assumed.
BTW i use V8…33 at the moment


Next BUG with dynamic menues !
The select theme function works only in the menu, the grids and forms will not change the theme.
Works with static menues without problems.

BTW: language changes are working as assumed.

[QUOTE=Gerd Dietrich;35753]Next BUG with dynamic menues !
The select theme function works only in the menu, the grids and forms will not change the theme.
Works with static menues without problems.

BTW: language changes are working as assumed.[/QUOTE]

Copy your entire sc foldr as backup, update to 041 and try to see if is solved in latest version.

I have done this, still not working

This problem does not this is a bug.

The macro sc_appmenu_add_item not pass parameters through variables.
As shown in the code: sc_appmenu add_item (‘menu’, ‘item_’ $ a_1menu [0], ‘’, $ a_1menu [1], $ a_1menu [2], $ id_params, $ a_1menu [4] ‘’. $ a_1menu [5]);
Parameters: $id_params

The macro should be used as follows:
Parameters - String with parameters to pass to the menu item application.
Ex .: param1 = value; param2 = value

More information: http://www.scriptcase.net/docs/en_us/v8/scriptcase-macros/scriptcase-macros#sc_appmenu_add_item

This problem does not this is a bug.

The macro sc_appmenu_add_item not pass parameters through variables.
As shown in the code: sc_appmenu add_item (‘menu’, ‘item_’ $ a_1menu [0], ‘’, $ a_1menu [1], $ a_1menu [2], $ id_params, $ a_1menu [4] ‘’. $ a_1menu [5]);
Parameters: $id_params

The macro should be used as follows:
Parameters - String with parameters to pass to the menu item application.
Ex .: param1 = value; param2 = value

More information: http://www.scriptcase.net/docs/en_us/v8/scriptcase-macros/scriptcase-macros#sc_appmenu_add_item[/QUOTE]

Sorry, i did not understand your solution.

  1. how should i implement a default form to load at startup, when i do a foreach loop to generate the menu ?
  2. how should this solve the problem, that the theme change is not working although the language change works !

[QUOTE=Gerd Dietrich;35913]Sorry, i did not understand your solution.

  1. how should i implement a default form to load at startup, when i do a foreach loop to generate the menu ?
  2. how should this solve the problem, that the theme change is not working although the language change works ![/QUOTE]

Enter the full code you are using to view this dynamic menu

Hello, attached the code.

sc_standard_menue.txt (2.33 KB)

If possible, send me the application and the table that you use in the items.

Whereto should i send it ?


Sorry, I think he forgot.
Send to j.pedro@scriptcase.net


Any news about this problem?

sorry. to much business these days, will try to send it over the weekend