Bug In Menu navigation Mobile

The menu in mobile version does not exits… when you select the Exit option of the menu it takes you back to the latest form you’ve visited.


[QUOTE=kafecadm;35386]The menu in mobile version does not exits… when you select the Exit option of the menu it takes you back to the latest form you’ve visited.


Is this with version 039? I’m still on 038 and not seen this. However once noticed this with version 7 and the work-around was to sc_redir back to the login page (in the menu item), killing the PHP session with same effect.


This problem still exists?

Yes. I’m affraid is still present

[QUOTE=kafecadm;35386]The menu in mobile version does not exits… when you select the Exit option of the menu it takes you back to the latest form you’ve visited.


Hi kafecadm,

I’ve tried to perform the problem, but I couldn’t. What did you set on “Target” menu option? Can you give more details about the case?

Hello Caio:

I set the Target value to “leave”, I can give you access to a demo version of my application so you can test it yourself if you want.
