I have an A4 size pdf report. Next to that I have the width 21 cm wide to 29.7 cm high.
When I want this page to be the background it should fill the entire page.
Now I set X position to 0 and Y position to 0 and the image appears somewhere halfway the page.
When I set the X position to 0.0001 and the Y position to 0.0001 then the image properly appears to begin on the top left page.
Please fix this. 0 should be allowed too…
I’m having issues, too with a Letter sized report (8.5 X 11 inches.) I’m using version 8.1.0017. I have a background image (JPG) which is 8.5 X 11 inches (2550 X 3300 px) and it displays WAY too big when the PDF is generated. If I put the mm dimensions for this image/report (216 X 279) in the image width and height fields (which are supposed to be in pixels) then the background image displays properly, mostly. It’s not quite aligned correctly, but I can work with it.
Should we help you? :rolleyes:
Look here at post #3 … the image handling in pdf reports is bad! I have fully rewritten this report with pure php and this works …