Bug in Security Application Sync - Hosted Scriptcase Ver 8.1.029

I have this issue in my project with almost 100 applications and so to be sure its not my project I created a brand new empty project with just a few applications in it.

When adding the security module to my project and choosing the “Application” security type where it creates new tables for the users, the applications, etc.
The initial generation of “Applications” into the table works ok for the default “admin” user… but if I add a new user and then synchronize the applications then it doesn’t add them to the table correctly. Their names seem to be truncated, see the attached screenshot.

All the application names are repeated but limited to 8 characters.

This is on a Hosted Scriptcase Ver 8.1.029 environment and I do not have any other way to test this.


It messes up the users / apps table also


Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 10.21.53 AM.png

Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 10.29.49 AM.png

If I just generate the security module… then go into “Synchronize Applications” without adding a new user… it does the same thing.
Many of my applications start with the same 8 characters… thats why you see all the duplicates below.
Here is the output of the “Synchronize Applications” application when I run it.

Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 10.59.12 AM.png

If I just generate the security module… then go into “Synchronize Applications” without adding a new user… it does the same thing:


Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 10.59.12 AM.png

In fact… isn’t this the reason its doing that? See the highlighted substr…


Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 11.08.44 AM.png
