I am using the security module from Scriptcase, however I am not able to do a successful password recovery as it is always failing with error message Old Password: must have at least 6 characters.
I did put a restriction on the password for the users, however this is affecting the password reset.
I could trace the error to the section of code called sec_app_change_pswd_apl.php
there is a section where it validates the amount of characters of the old password (useless as logically if you want to restrict the amount of characters of the password it should be checking the new password, not the one that is already set), however the variable is empty because the password reset method used it by sending the activation code by email so the user never types the old password.
if (NM_utf8_strlen($this->old_pswd) < 6)
is there any way I can fix this from the scriptcase interface? I don’t want to modify the php code as when I export the project again in the future my changes will be lost and probably I won’t remember what I did to fix it
Ideally I would like to disable the verification of the amount of characters for the old password (only) as I said above I think it is a useless process