@Cavadinha @John_L_Santos Important.
When using sc_mail_send with values filled from fields, is not working correctly.
Here you have an exported application. (application, not project)
Fill with data, and will not work.+
On control_send_email_apl.php, line 1561 you can see:
$sc_mail_port = "$this->smtp_port ";
$sc_mail_tp_port = "$this->conn_type ";
$sc_mail_tp_mens = "$this->msg_type ";
$sc_mail_tp_copy = "";
It’s wrong, there are extra spaces there. Should be:
$sc_mail_port = "$this->smtp_port";
$sc_mail_tp_port = "$this->conn_type";
$sc_mail_tp_mens = "$this->msg_type";
$sc_mail_tp_copy = "";
This is a workaround, but should be reviewed on every application using mail_send for every generation until it’s solved…