BUG or thinking failure in libraries

We are working here with several developers together. I have noticed some serious failures in the libraries (old type).
We have a Public Library and when we change something we save it. But sometimes the previous version reappears instead of the current version, we notice that only a few hours later.
It should be so that libraries can only be edited by some users.
So public libraries are now either editable or not editable by ALL users (depending on the checkbox near Edit Libraries rights).

It should be:
Each library has certain users connected to it that can edit that library, others cant.

The way it is now is not good at all!!

When user1 has a library open and user2 has a library open and user1 changes it and saves and user2 then saves it, then the old version of user2 is overwriting the new version. This is not good. It should block it. It is too easy for a junior developer to press the save and think he closes the window.

I suggest to allow editing rights for EACH library (old type, and actually also for the new type). (so also project, and public). User libraries can be set so that only the user can edit it…?

Please add this to scriptcase asap!!

Fatal error: Call to undefined function StartIncItensCoolJsMenu() i

How to fix this Thanks

Fatal error: Call to undefined function StartIncItensCoolJsMenu() i

Dont duplicate post. One is enough