BUG?: PHP run buttons on grids with nested grids don't work

Are PHP run buttons supposed to work on grids having nested grids?

This is the first time I’m using them on grids with nested grids. When I select some rows and click on the run button, SC does nothing but very quickly showing an empty blank screen and immediately reloading\refreshing the grid.

I’m on SC 8.1.030

If this is a bug, maybe it’s related to another bug with run buttons in the same SC version.

No, that works normal in my project. But, you checked the master or the slave record? (I have only a checkbox on the master records)

EDIT - see next post

I double checked: it’s an issue only when the nested grid has its own PHP run button (that I use with no issues when I run the same grid as detail in a form application).

When a grid is run as detail from a master grid, SC will hide the PHP run button and chekcboxes of the nested grid.
This makes sense and seem to indicate that this configuration is supported by SC.
But the master grid PHP run button will stop working!

Is this a bug or an unsupported configuration?

EDIT: Confirmed bug. Read previous post

This bug is still present in 8.1.031

This BUG is still present in 8.1.034

No solution ??? HELP, HELP, HELP !!!

Did you reported to bug@scriptcase.net?