Bug with language index length

This goes for SC7, I havent tested it for SC8 but I suspect it is wrong there too…
If I make a Project message for my screen with this index: lang_SCRIPTCASE_MUTF_PERS_fld_DT_PEOPLESOFT1
then I get an error that it is longer then 32 characters. Very intersting since the automatically generated indexes (for the translations of my fields)
has way longer names. For example: lang_SCRIPTCASE_MUTF_PERS_fld_RUG_GRAT_OP_VOORSTEL_VAN
Therefore I think this is a bug. I guess it also exists in sc8.

Please fix it.

Confirmed using lang_SCRIPTCASE_MUTF_PERS_fld_DT_PEOPLESOFT1 as index under SC8.0007


thx for the confirmation… I bet it is code from an ancient sc version that was never updated…


I simulated your problem on my system and saw the same error mentioned in the comment above occurs. I am stating this obstacle for analysis of the development sector. Once accepted as a bug and solved, the same will be informed in the changelog of our website.

Thank you!