This problem you are seeing has nothing to do with Scriptcase. It has to do with the php session id. You are sharing globals between the two tabs.
It is inherent in the way that browsers and servers work. The server sees both tabs as one session. You are using the same session ID when you open multiple tabs in the same browser.
The server (and php) do not know that you have opened another browser tab, they see the requests as coming from exactly the same place.
Both of the tabs will be using exactly the same session variables (i.e., all of your scriptcase global variables).
That is how browsers and servers work. Scriptcase cannot change that.
Two things can help you out - Firstly, you can run two different browsers. Since they do not share the same session, they have separate globals and everything will work fine.
Secondly, you can use the browser’s capability to use “anonymous” tabs - in Firefox this is called a “Private Window” (under the File Menu) - in Chrome it is called an “Incognito Window”. These windows do not share php’s session identifying cookie, and thus look like different machines to the server.
You can also mitigate bad things happening by multiple tabs in how you design your system and how you use globals.
Google “php session collision multiple tabs”