Build in a javascript function sc_inputbox

Hi, i think that is nececsary that SC have build in some functios javascript for our use . I can see that enviroment SC have some a inputbox when a user click into a field readonly.

i would like we can have for our use this same functionality.

Attach an image.


See link:

In an SC PHP script you can invoke these by wrapping in an “echo”:

e.g. for alert:

echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='javaScript' type='text/javaScript'>alert ('Hello, this is an ALERT box.')</SCRIPT>";

Or just:

echo "<SCRIPT>alert ('Hello, this is an ALERT box.')</SCRIPT>";

You can do the same thing for a prompt / input box I believe.

Thanks you adz, i know how do it, but when you run javascript with a prompt , it show up of you webpage, not near from you clicked, and the themes do not look nice.

I think this could be done using a control form with one textbox only(value of this should convert to global veriablr) and calling that form as modal(height width matter) from main form.