Hi all,
I’m trying to use sc_mail_send and BBC. I have to send mail to people without showing the other receivers of my mail.
This is the line code.
sc_mail_send([glo_mail_smtp_server], [glo_mail_smtp_user], [glo_mail_smtp_pass], $mail_from , ‘info@name.it’, {subject}, $message, “H”, $email_to , $type_copy , [glo_mail_smtp_port],[glo_mail_smtp_ssl]);
I switched the “To” e-mail variable to “Copies” and on “To” I used a fixed string like info@name.it . $type_copy is “BBC”.
Using two receiver 1 and 2 this is what happens.
On receiver 1 I see exactly what expected : To -> info@name.it and Bbc -> Receiver 1 mail
On receiver 2 I see only to and nothing else: To -> info@name.it
Does it make sense ?? Thanks
See picture