button to tab application inside a form


Inside a form application I have a link button to tabs application. Inside tabs application I have a default exit button when clicked in the new version (8.1.008) redirects not to the last form where the user was (last ID, for example form with record id 22), but to the first record (first ID, form with record id 1) and also makes a navigation bar for the records at the bottom (that is usually disabled) and changes the back button in the form to the exit button. I made few tests and I saw that parameter script_case_init=1 /scriptcase/app/project/app_form_fall/app_form_fall.php?script_case_init=1 is not set. Than I set the fixed exit absolute path inside tabs application with this link /scriptcase/app/project/app_form_fall/app_form_fall.php?script_case_init=1 and it works fine, I get back to the latest form. This is for sure a bug because in the latest v8.0 version we didn’t face problems like this one.