Calculate summarize in Dynamic Groupby


Has anyone managed to display a field obtained from a calculation in the summary of each groupby when using dynamic groupby?

It works, as written in the help, in static groupby, but not in dynamic, where I can calculate exactly with the total fields, but I can not assign them to the variable {sum_xxxgroup_fieldcalculate} which shows the exact value, but displays the set action (example sum)!.

The overall total, on the other hand, is always good.

Thank you

Example :

column1                      value1          value2    total1    calculated1
ex1                              10             20          30         20 (calculate in onrecord)
ex2                              20             20          40         30 (calculate in onrecord)
                                                                   ------    ----------
    total groupbyxxx                                        70         50 (in onGroupby I calculate 150 based on a formula, but always displays 50)
so it should be:
    total groupbyxxx                                        70        150