Calculate Total Sum from fields on Form

I have a Form named jobcard with fields like “Service”, “addon1”, “addon2” etc, each just linking to the service and addon tables respectively and also displaying the price when selected.

I also have a Total field that i want to be updated when “Service” and “Addons” are selected.

I created a phpmethod named SumTotal with {total} = {serviceid} = {addon1id}

and then added SumTotal(); in the OnScriptinit and also added new ajax events on “Serviceid” change and “addon1” change. (only trying service and addon1 addition first, for testing and then will add the other addons.)

i have also selected “Reload form when value has changed” on service selection and addon2 selection.

it does not seem to update the total field. i suspect its because i am selecting the serviceid and addon id and not the price (int)

serviceid SQL statement:

SELECT id, sc_concat(name, desc, price)
FROM services
ORDER BY name, desc, price

addon1 SQL Statement:

SELECT id, sc_concat(name, description, price)
FROM addons
ORDER BY name, description, price

Can someone please suggest a better way to achieve this, code examples will sincerely be appreciated.

Edit: removed first response with ideas for using AJAX events that didn’t work… working answer below

Thanks so much for the reply. Okay cool i set that up, but now when the addon field or the service field is 0 (no selection) the system crashes. i think maybe if statements.

I used option 1 to select the service field to use ajax to update the service_price, the other way did not work.

I played around with this a bit and the interaction between the different AJAX events seemed to be an issue. Here is another approach.

Keep the lookups on your services /addon fields the same as you had originally. The {total} field should be text, an integer, or a currency field in SC. You probably want to set it as a “label” field so the user will not be able to change it.

Create AJAX events for onChange for each field that runs your php method


Use something like this as the PHP method:

//reset total
$total = 0;
//look up the price for the selected serviceID
$check_sql = "SELECT price from services where id = '{serviceid}'";
sc_lookup(rs, $check_sql);
if (isset({rs[0][0]}))     // Row found
//add service price to total
$total = $total + ({rs[0][0]});
else     // No row found
//do nothing 
//lookup the price for addon1
$check_sql = "SELECT price from addons where id = '{addon1id}'";
sc_lookup(rs, $check_sql);

if (isset({rs[0][0]}))     // Row found
$total = $total + {rs[0][0]};
else     // No row found
//do nothing

//lookup the price for addon2
$check_sql = "SELECT price from addons where id = '{addon2id}'";
sc_lookup(rs, $check_sql);

if (isset({rs[0][0]}))     // Row found
$total = $total + {rs[0][0]};
else     // No row found
//do nothing

//set total field to total of prices
{total} = $total;

You can remove the “else” parts to make it cleaner. I just left those in there to make it more obvious that if they query doesn’t return any results, then that lookup doesn’t have any effect on the total.

This works like a charm! thank you so so much!