Calculated Fileds in grid not working

Good Morning

I try to calculate the folllwoiung in a grid (placed this code in onRecord)

{event_density} = {reg_p} / {min_p}

But it is not working , the grid is not displayed. Nothing is displayed.

the type of event_density is percentage the two others are integer

reg_p is a “manual field” and loaded from an other tabele

SELECT count(participant_id) FROM bpmspace_edums.participation
WHERE  event_id = {event_id}  AND`status_participation_id` != 6
ORDER BY participant_id

min_p is also a “manual field”

SELECT min_participants 
FROM course 
WHERE course_id = {course_id} 
ORDER BY min_participants

do i have to use

$sql = ‘SELECT …’;
{calc_value} = tbl_lookup[0][0];

Use onInit to get values before form fields are populated. Use onLoad if you need to access existing form field values.
as explained here

that would be double work since the sql statement is allready in the filed definition- and they are working

thanks rob

Mhh probably it has nothing to do with the lookup
when i place

{event_density} = 50 + 10

in the onRecord evenet although nothing ist displayed

It wouldn’t be the case that you have to terminate your php lines with ‘;’ would it?

so simple so true !!! thanks :wink:
Note to myself SQL statements don’t need “;” php skripts do :slight_smile: