Calendar Disappears after clicking Import Google Events

I have already submitted a ticket to Scriptcase and I will post the solution here.

A calendar that I have been using for months recently broke after upgrading my application to 9.0.042. It did not break right away and on the surface all looked good. My events were displaying and my previous Google Calendar events showed as well. I clicked Import From Google and when it stopped processing all of the events on my calendar disappeared. I checked the database, and all of my data was there including new events from Google. They just weren’t showing in the calendar app. I did a video showing the break point and sent it to Netmake. You can view it here on You Tube [URL=“”]
Dan Goodlett

[SOLVED] If an event is created in Google Calendar doesn’t have a title it synchronizes with Scriptcase and writes that event to the the table. For whatever reason, when Scriptcase sees an event with no title in the database it stops processing the records and does not display them. All I had to do is delete the offending record and then all of the calendar events appeared on refreshing.