Calendar diverse

Hello Friends,

I’m developing a product for the swiss marked. In Switzerland we need 3 Languages, Germen, French, Italian and optional English. Everything works fin in every language, only the Calendar dosn’t work in French!! It flashes briefly, then nothing!

any Idea?

The next funny problem is the colors in the Calendar. The Calendar dosn’t Support div. Categories and Colors, at the moment thats nothing matters, but i hope SC support this as sone as possible.
Funny is, that Calendar generates div. Colors, if you add an event yesderday “because you forgot this”, the event is in Pink, for today Green and for tomorrow and later in blue! Whats the idea behind that?

any Answers, any Workaround?

The next,
Meeting place, i need to display where are the meeting place, at least i need to see Time, Person(s), meeting place. For Person i use the Title, so i loose the Title for the events.

any support?

Most important of all is the problem with french language in Calendar App. I hope somebody can help me.

thx and regards

Calendar is third party piece of SC. It is not SC product.

I suggest if you are able to find different solution for calendar, do it different way.

I needed to create “special” calendar too. But I used group sorted dates in grid.

I now, but its under the flag of SC. The same things on a Car from VW, if some parts coming from BOSCH, so the responsibility is also by VW, we understand us, ok.

Easy to integrate and multilanguage.
Not free but cheap.

Hello mitja and gbravi,

thank you for your replay.
The Problem with french language in the Calendar App is solved. a new installation of ScriptCase has brought success! “am a little confused”

smartphpcalendar looks fine. gbravi you work with smartphpcalendar? When yes, any SC integration instructions?