Calendar Title Field

Anyone playing with the new Calendar application?

I’d like to use a calculated field value for the Title field. Can that be done?

NB: I’m working around this by maintaining a “Title” field in the data table. However, calculating it on the fly would be neater.

Re: Calendar Title Field

I am doing the same. Using a field to update a title. Would be nice of the Title/Header could accept variables without crying.


Re: Calendar Title Field

Sounds like some kind of problem I also become obvious.

I tried to work on a calendar using some index-keys from another DB for the title. The lookup does not work for that.
Tried to find a work around, but did not fount yet.



Re: Calendar Title Field

The caption field seems limited to a field value from the assigned table. It is also limited to 64 characters. Setting the field in the table to a longer length will cause and error. Actually, the event title isn’t displayed.

That said, it is rather simple to declare an field in the calendar’s table; something like “fld_eventtitle VARCHAR(64)” and then calculate or assign its value either in the database or in the calendar’s beforeinsert and beforeupdate events. Other than having to store a little bit of somewhat redundant data in the table it requires little overhead or code.

Re: Calendar Title Field

sounds nice, but creating another field with a lookup to that key does not work.
If I set the help-field in the title, the whole calendar is blank.

Re: Calendar Title Field

You need to assign a literal value to the field used for the Title Caption, as best as I can work out.

If I set the help-field in the title, the whole calendar is blank.

It’s working from me, i.e. when I assign a help topic to the Title field the calendar continues to display correctly.

Re: Calendar Title Field

Mhmmmm, if I change the setting in “Calendar Settings” -> “Calendar” -> “Title” to another value, does not matter, if it is a number, string or whatelse kind of field the calendar stays blank. Is there something else to change?

Re: Calendar Title Field

Any chance that the field you’re assigning to the Calendar.Title contains null?

Re: Calendar Title Field

no, each value is != null. searched the whole DB by hand …
I also tried to put in a fixed value, does not work
the lentgh of the help-var is set to 20, min 1

If I try to set the title to any other var than one out of the dataset given by the DB, I get a blank calendar