Can I change 'Records not found' for 1 grid only

Hi. I have a grid that shows a very infrequently avail record or records for a user. So usually this grid is empty. Is there a way to change the ‘Records not found’ text which is shown in this one grid? I don’t want to change it for all the other grids. What I want is to add some better language explaining a little clearer to the user what this means.

Anyway, just seeing if anyone knows how I can access and change this statement.

I haven’t tried, but you might try this:

Make the grid in a separate block. In the onload event you test manually if the dataset is empty. If so, you can use a macro to hide the block. You can also add a separate block with your own message to show if the dataset is empty. You must hide it when there’s data to show.

Once you have deployed the project, you can modify en_us.lang file (or the one you are using). Find lang_errm_empt line and change its value… this will affect all the grids in the project. In case you only want to affect an specific application, you may modify your_app_name_.class.php file by changing the variable name and adding that line in en_us.lang file as well.

Haven’t tried but should work.

Yes, but the disadvantage is that you have to redo this every time you have changed your application and re-uploaded.

That is right.