can i have one prod enviornment for miltiple sc projects on the same server?

hello guys, i wonder if i can have only one prod environment for all sc stuff that on the same server, because the prod folder (basically _lib) is obviously the one which is consuming much size, so i am thinking to upload this folder in the root of the server /user/_lib/ then use it for all sc stuff on this server

1- is this doable?
2- how? i tried many ways using the advanced deployment thing but couldn’t figure it out always error

the only way sc+ deploy worked with me if i do use the normal deployment (recommended) one and upload all files and prod folder to each sc project on the same server, anything else doesn’t seem working fine!!

[QUOTE=itsme3;23845]hello guys, i wonder if i can have only one prod environment for all sc stuff that on the same server, because the prod folder (basically _lib) is obviously the one which is consuming much size, so i am thinking to upload this folder in the root of the server /user/_lib/ then use it for all sc stuff on this server

1- is this doable?
2- how? i tried many ways using the advanced deployment thing but couldn’t figure it out always error

the only way sc+ deploy worked with me if i do use the normal deployment (recommended) one and upload all files and prod folder to each sc project on the same server, anything else doesn’t seem working fine!![/QUOTE]

Not without some consideration. In the _lib your connections and a lot of other stuff is stored. If you upload your applications you will run into problems and I haven’t been able to sort that out. I.e. double application names, and other application dependent settings.

What you can do is create one project and your other projects as subprojects. Then you can upload with only one _lib. Disadvantage is when you use the security model as this will take all your apps of course.

So it’s a logical question and we have made an enhancement request some time ago. But currently the effective answer actually is unfortunately no.

If you hack the generated code then you can get it done. The paths are in the generated code. But then nobody would want to do that.

Why not simply use the advanced deploy mode? (“project/deploy/advanced” )
You can have a common “_lib” for all projects on the same server ( production ).
The only constraint is that all projects must refer to the same version and generated accordingly or as alternative define a different folder for each version and change the deployment parameters for each project.

That’s new for me. Learning something :wink: I only use the advanced deploy to set download dirs etc. But you can share _lib. Super!

Yes i expected this Albert :slight_smile: as the advanced deployment allows you to choose specefic dirs on the servers when you deploy, so it is basic that you need to maintain the same css and do not add stuff that is not contained in the existing _lib folder, otherwise will need to update that _lib folder again and make all necessary change to all your applications/projects that share the same _lib folder… basically _lib holds libraries that can be used in more than one project, but i didn’t try it myself i was saying theoritcally, because, as i said before, i couldn’t managed to have the advanced deployment work with me looool

thanks a lot guys, Albert, gbravi, rr, you were a lot of help

please guys, i have slight problems with charts and with the exported files pdf/xls etc… please have a look and try to help, appreciated your efforts in advanced
