can toolbar items appear only if one of the menu items are selected

hi guys, i was looking into the menu that opens the applications… say have a lot of sub menus… having a toolbar is nice, but can we display only few buttons from the toolbar in case of one item menu is clicked?

in other words, i have 3 main menus like this
menu1: Computers
menu2: Monitors
menu3: Keyboards

if menu1 is clicked… a toolbar that says buttons:
button1: add new computer
button2: search computers
button3: computers data

if menu2 is clicked (Monitors)… the toolbar buttons say:
button1: add new monitor
button2: search monitors

… etc. offcourse each button will have an application link… but i don’t know how to show only buttons in toolbar that related to menu…

is this possible? if yes, do i have use some macro or there is a function/setting for that?


AFAIK there are no macro’s for manipulating the toolbar. I’ve been looking for that as well, as I wanted to put highly used menuitems into that by configuration. Tried different things but could not get it to work. I guess it should be possible by javascript, but I’m not very good at that.

javascript = the king jsb :smiley: with all respect, but don’t know if his time help to have a look at this, lets ask the guys in the next webinar, its about layout right? sooo related :slight_smile:

Yes JSB is the javascript guru here. But a lot of the functionality should be easy available through php and SC without fiddling in javascript. But that’s imho.

hmmm, i was thinking Albert, why they make such option “toolbar” if it is not related to menu? what is the use? best to reflect the submenu i think… and as i checked it is a butoon btn so doesn’t work if we put the hide_button macro? even if this works, how it will work on mobile, didn’t try that.

Thanks for the flowers guys, but let’s keep the ball low. I’m by far no javascript guru. :slight_smile:
Back to the topic. Here is what I did in a similar situation.

Create the main menu: Computer, Monitor, Keyboard (no sub items) and set the Default Application to blank.

Create a menu (no sub items) for each category: menu_comp, menu_mon, menu_keyb with the menu items you need (add, search, view,…) and link those to your applications. In layout settings make sure to have header set to no.

In the main menu link item Computer to menu_comp, item Monitor to menu_mon, item Keyboard to menu_keyb. Generate the code and run it.

That’s the ‘manual’ way. To kick it up another notch you can create the submenu (which acts as a toolbar) as a dynamic menu so you need only one application for it. Kinda cool isn’t it.
The rest is up to your imagination and creativity.


hmmm i read your answer repeatedly boss, but dind’t actually understand what you mean yet :smiley: I’m sure it is great idea without even testing it… frankly, now i am stuck with another bug and will get back to CSS stuff after few days as priority number 2, specially that this Friday there will be webinar about layout and i have many questions to ask them :smiley: hope they don’t ban me lool


is there anything new about that topic? :slight_smile: I would like to do same thing.


the toolbar of the SC standard menu doesn’t work conditionally

so, only jsb solution can do in case you want to do exact similar scenario