Can you do a "select all" on a multi line form?

The title says it all really, most “grids” with a checkbox option allow you to select all of the records.

Can you do this with sc.

The form has toolbar buttons that say “save selected” and “delete selected”, but if you have just added 100 records to the form, then it is a bit of a task to select them individually.



Form Settings -> Settings -> Layout and Behaviour -> Mark checkbox = Yes



I tried that but it did not work. It did not add ticks to any of the check boxes.

Maybe a bug has creeped into a recent version.


No. It still works in the latest version.


Well it looks like I must create a new app and try again.

Tried with a new app - I just created a multi line form, and only changed the settings to make “Mark Checkbox” to a Yes. When compiled, the form is populated but NO ticks in the checkboxes. This is version 47.

Oh man! My bad.
Sorry, for some reason I was on wrong ship.

Create a custom field of type checkbox and move it on the first position of your fields.
Go to the field settings and set ‘Mark every column’ to Yes.


May I know how to create a new checkbox field in a Grid application?
I can find field datatype checkbox for Form application only.

You need to create a run button, i.e. lf type php. Then you will get a checkbox in front of each line and a checkbox to select/unselect all. The button will have two events: onrecord which will be fired for each selected record and a onterminate. Hope this helps.

Ahh I see! Thank you very much! It works.