This message was posted elsewhere but after struggling with the problem for few days (including export/import App) I consider this to be a bug. I have no access to source and no matter what I do I get the same error. It seems that for some reason SC keeps adding SS library (which obviously has a bug). Even despite this LIB is unchecked from the project.
When trying to deleted record (from the form) I het following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class scSSN in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\TECREP\fm _c_expcategory\sc_ssn.php on line 3
The form has nothing fancy, no extra code or libs. Of course PHP file is obfuscated so cannot see the code, although
the beginning start from this
class scSSN{
// Populate this variable with the high group list provided by the Social Security Administration:
// We only want the numbers. Omit the explanatory text at the beginning of the file.
// This list is from May 2008
private $highgroup =
'001 08 002 06 003 06 004 11 005 11* 006 08
007 08 008 92 009 92 010 92 011 92 012 92
013 92 014 92 015 92 016 92 017 92 018 92
019 92 020 92* 021 90 022 90 023 90 024 90
and obviously line 3 says nothing and the sc_ssn.php is unchecked
Any ideas how to get rid of this ?
PS> Admin - please remove the message posted in General SC forum.