can't create dataDic

i want to create a datadict and i get this error :

Guardando atributos de la tabla ...
Recuperando lista de campos de la tabla ...
Analizando los campos ...
Incluido el registro de la tabla ...
erro banco de dados. Arquivo:C:\Program Files\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\class\interface
mDataDic.class.php Linha: 557.INSERT INTO sc_tbrep_fields (Cod_Prj, RepositorioID, Tabela, Campo, Version, Seque, TipoSql, Tamanho, Decimais, TipoDado, Label, DateTimeUpdate, UsuarioUpdate, Status, Descricao, Atributos, Attr1, Attr2) VALUES ('mainapp', 'dict1patient', 'dbo.d_patient_characteristics', 'ID', '1', 0, 'NUMERIC', , 4, 'VALOR', '{lang_dbo_d_patient_characteristics_fld_ID}', '20150108114535', '', 'UPDATED', '', '', 'a:7:{s:9:"requerido";s:1:"N";s:11:"tamanho_min";i:0;s:11:"tamanho_max";N;s:9:"valor_min";i:0;s:9:"valor_max";i:0;s:7:"mascara";s:0:"";s:5:"ajuda";s:0:"";}', '')-near ",": syntax error

my database is working fine. is this a sc bug? pls help


Same problem.
Seems that SC can’t recognize length of NUMERIC/DECIMAL fields ( Sql Server + Linux )
A ticket is still open and waiting for correction.

have talked to the scriptcase support and they tell me that there’s is a problem with the zend sql server driver and they have to solve this issue,I was using the connection “mssql server” and they told me that I have to use the “mssql native server srv pdo” conecction better.I have to downloads some extra software from microsoft to make it run. I’ll have to look for more info on how to do it.

That’s not applicable in my case because my dev environment is Linux.
I can hardly believe it’s a driver issue as to a certain version worked fine. :cool:

[SOLVED] can’t create dataDic

Finally solved in 8.00.0031!!!