I searched everywhere but I can’t find where I can change the email account used for sending emails to users when they’ve forgotten their password. I’ve already checked the default values set for System Settings under the Options section of the development environment and the email that’s currently being used isn’t set there, but rather the correct email is set. I would appreciate some help. Thanks.
In the application sec_retrieve_pswd, this is what I have for the OnValidate event code:
$usr_login = {login};
$usr_email = search_email($usr_login);
sc_log_add('Retrieve Password', {lang_log_retrieve_pswd});
sc_reset_global([usr_login], [usr_email]);
By the way, I’ve searched for Scriptcase macros and I couldn’t find the one that corresponds to send_act(). I figured that function is what is sending the email when the user wishes to retrieve their password.