what database you use ?
do you use default fields, or have any extra ?
what SC version ?
I tested default calendar with SC8 as well and it works, but SC7 does not
I’m not sure if can be a cause of the problem but I’m using about 16 more fields in the calendar table.
Here is a link showing similar problem http://www.scriptcase.net/forum/showthread.php?4319-Calender-Application-Does-not-Save-Record-or-Show-Events&highlight=column+width
Bug reported in January 2013 , but I"m not sure if this has been fixed.
I created a completely new blank project with one App only based on the same database and table. When comiled and run it does not generate warning message (as in first post) but it also does not save any data. It seems like any table which is not default (more fields) fails to work at all !
BTW> Anybody knows what this ERROR MESSAGE means (see first post) ?