can't replace system language

I try to fix wrong thai translation in security folder language. After update and run app login form, it still back to wrong again.

Is this bug? Or the system protect user to replace system language?

How can I fix it, cause it has many wrong translation, not only security folder.

Re: can’t replace system language


You have changed the security folder name? And then the folder changed the name back automatically?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: can’t replace system language

In addition, please pm-me your email so we can discuss any errors on the Thai translation.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: can’t replace system language

I had the same issue in german language. My changes were replaced by original again.
The Problem is the scriptcase language file itself.

To correct errors you need to edit the appropriate file in the folder /scriptcase/devel/conf/language with a standard editor like notepad.exe. Remember to back up the file first and to save it in utf-8 format after editing.

The Language file will be replaced when updating scriptcase, so backup your changes to that file. After installing an update,
dont just replace the new file with the old one, because it could be that there are new translations added to the file.
So you will have to control it line by line and add the new lines to your own language file.

Re: can’t replace system language

Thanks,Spezilein. I do like your way, too, with any other of ‘after gen prob’ or ‘after deploy prob’ like mysql conection script for Thai utf-8.

By the way thanks to Bernhard for help.

Re: can’t replace system language

Thanks for your feedback guys, and the workaround.

I reported this issue to our bugs team for further testing.

Bernhard Bernsmann