Capture link can't filter (URGENT)!!!! (Part 2)

Can’t get on SC7/SC8 a capture link work, passing a field/variable as parameter to filter a grid

After last update, tried again, of course, without success.

This is the enviroment.

In this link, there a a project (SC7) to import and a SQL file to replicate database.

Database is easy.
customers, addresses, and customer-addreses
customers has a field, where I want to store the default customer-addreses to use.

On SC, there are a grid and form for each table. Grid_customer_addresses has SQL modified to filter just customer addresses with a [glocustomer].
On Form_customer, try to create a capture link over defaultaddress field, pointing to Grid_customer_addresses, and it suppose, then you can choose how do you want to fill [glocustomer] on Grid_customer_addresses, field, variable, fixed and empty, but instead, I got this:


Any idea? I have stopped my development more than 1 week for this :mad:


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]

It’s reported and talked with Ronyan. As far as he sais, will be solved in next version.

It’s already inside our To Do list.

It’s already inside our To Do list.[/QUOTE]

I hope to see it solved soon. I’m stopped :frowning:

Looks urgent enough, what is the status?


This problem it is not a bug, because the field option has never been available to capture links.

This implementation has been passed to our development team to be analyzed. However, the support will give you a workaround for this case.

If there is a workaround please share with all.

Hi John.

I would like an update about this. I still can’t understand how a basic feature like this is not implemented. A basic feature a lot of easy to implement.

I know you say is not a bug but a new feature, and I insist is in SC DOCUMENTATION, I’m not crazy.

In the window below “Definition of Parameters”, at the left side, is shown the application fields which we are linking and that need to receive parameters to execution and, at the right side, will must be selected the option for passing value, there are three options, they are:

Field - When choosing this option have to inform the field to be used for passing content.

Value - In case of selecting this option in the text field inform fixed content to be passed.
Empty - Choosing this option it wil be passed no value to the field.

Recovering the field value - It should be selected the field of the search application to the linking object, so its content return for the field the filter form.

3 months has passed. Has you some christmas present for me?


Just closed a ticket today with this workaround:


  • Define a session variable in form ( OUT )
  • Assign field value to session variable ( Ajax onChange )
  • Declare session variable "empty" on capture link
  • Add a where clause on grid with session variable ( IN )
  • [/LIST] In my case i've put this code in onScripInit event ( grid )
    if ( [filter_customer] > 0) {
    	sc_select_where(add) = " where CUSTOMER_ID = [filter_customer]";

    and this on onExecute event ( on menu )


    +1 for your suggestion.

  • [QUOTE=gbravi;30738]Just closed a ticket today with this workaround:


  • Define a session variable in form ( OUT )
  • Assign field value to session variable ( Ajax onChange )
  • Declare session variable "empty" on capture link
  • Add a where clause on grid with session variable ( IN )
  • [/LIST] In my case i've put this code in onScripInit event ( grid )
    if ( [filter_customer] > 0) {
    	sc_select_where(add) = " where CUSTOMER_ID = [filter_customer]";

    and this on onExecute event ( on menu )


    +1 for your suggestion.[/QUOTE]

    I will try your workaround gbravi, thanks.

  • I need this functionality also. The help documents clearly say you can create a capture link using a field as the parameter… but the option is nowhere to be found.

    Update: I found a sort of workaround… using the above “Solution” but it is not ideal. Currently my user has to click the empty text field, which triggers an event to load the correct variable into the session variable and then click the “Lookup” Magnifying glass icon.
    This works ok… but its clunky and the user has to remember to click the field each time.

    Hi yourguide

    Just put the variable assignment on the form’s onLoad event

    [filter_customer] = {fieldCustomer};

    Hello Giu:

    If this hasn’t been fix, I would recommend to change your global variable (I know, I know sounds stupid), the same happened to me and I changed the name of the global variable from [Fecha] to [g_Fecha] and magic… it worked.

    Maybe you’ve tried it maybe you not. Hope it works.
