case sensitiv function names


normally function names in PHP are NOT case sensitiv, but in scriptcase they are…
How can I change this behaviour…

Best regards
Uwe Pfeiffer

Re: case sensitiv function names

Are you creating PHP methods in the app, or in a library?

My only thought on this is that in PHP, variables are case-sensitive and function names are not. It must be that SC is creating a variable name to reference the function.


Re: case sensitiv function names


I create my functions in a library.
If I call such a library function from a grid or form the function name is case sensitiv.

If in library then name of the function is -dblookup- and in from -DBLookup- SC will bring an error that the function is unknown.

Best regards

Re: case sensitiv function names

This must be something SC is doing, as it is not standard behavior.
