centos mbstring and zip extention pop messages

I have added the mbstring and zip modules to my php.ini and I still the popup staying they are not installed. I have attache my diagnostic file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: centos mbstring and zip extention pop messages

The obvious, did you restart the server after changing the INI?


Re: centos mbstring and zip extention pop messages

Yes, many times. I even re-installed a few times. Do you have an example php.ini?

Re: centos mbstring and zip extention pop messages

Well I have Ubuntu that already comes with mbstring enabled by default from Apache, not PHP.

You might want to check that out … having it enabled from Apache configuration.

$ yum install php-mbstring

make sure to restart mysql and apache


Re: centos mbstring and zip extention pop messages

You should recompile the PHP with the mbstring module.

Re: centos mbstring and zip extention pop messages

Re-installed Php and everything worked fine.