Change Calendar Field Title

Hi everybody,

I’ve been trying to change the Field title in a calendar application but no luck so far…
The changes in the events and in the fields are shown in the form but no in the calendar…

I would like to concatenate two fields from my database, but nothing work…

Does anybody know how to do it? Appreciate your help.


THe calender part is a third party product and not controlled by SC. So you need to hack into this code to get things done. The forms are from SC thus can be controlled from the ide.

Thanks your your answer :slight_smile:

I found the line and changed it but still doesn’t work :frowning:

This is the line:
$aSelect[‘title’] = “id”;

I want to add a field called Category… If I do
$aSelect[‘title’] = “Category” . “id”;
The calendar appears empty… If I put Category alone it shows properly…

I have tested with several fields, same data type, different type and nothing…

Any thoughts?


Well what you actually are doing is to change the title $aSelect[‘title’] = “Category” . “id”; which is in effect $aSelect[‘title’] = “Categoryid”;
I don’t know much of the internals of the calender, but if category is a fieldname then it will fail if you change it’s id. Something like that might be the problem here. I fear that you have to dive into the code somewhat deeper…

Thanks again for your time :slight_smile:
I’ll keep looking the code.


Not sure how you created your apps, but by putting the Sc_redir function in the event as mentioned, and it did redir than it is functioning as intended.

Is this reply intended for another thread?

It looks like this reply is intended to put some spam in this forum…

How to add an event calendar to web?

Can you be more precise, please?

Did you succeed to change Title in calendar?

I am looking for almost the same solution. I have one id (INT), but I want to show text from other table.

Thanks for answer!

We need: good and complete documentation written in proper English

I am not 100% sure when I saw it, but there was a time, may be it was prehistorical when I saw this request first ^^