Change of log file structure (* Error *)

Looking into our scriptcase logfile (the standard audit trail logging) we see that there is now a long language description added. On large tables, this increases the log on insert of records to an extend where the log record is too large for the table (we use Oracle). Is this by design, an error, or an option?

leads to
{lang_SCRIPTCASE_AANS_PERSOONSGEGEVENS_fld_PREF_FIRST_NAME}||NAME_ROYAL_PREFIX(new):||NAME_ROYAL_PREFIX(Label) and here it repeats for each field making the log incomplete and unusable

Hi aducom,

This structure didn’t change, DESCRIPTION is there since I am using SC.
You should be able to safely replace CLOB by VARCHAR2, it will be more efficient.
Empy string or Null value only take 1 or 2 bytes in Oracle.

Hi jlboutin,

The structure of the database hasn’t changed. That is not the issue. the issue is that the content of the description has changed, and it added a ton of rubbish ({lang_SCRIPTCASE_AANS_PERSOONSGEGEVENS_fld_PREF_FIRST_NAME}||NAME_ROYAL_PREFIX(new)) on each and every field, causing the log to become unusable. In Oracle, varchar2 is still limited to 4000 B afaik, but the language stuff should not be in the log.

Agree, I didn’t understand it this way

You can add a trigger to remove the extra data

Interesting. You mean a database trigger? That is a ton of work as each field has it’s own language descriptor. Or is there a more simple way (the best way is that SC fixes this issue)

I am rusted with Oracle but for MySQL it should look like this:

delimiter //
CREATE TRIGGER remove_lang
  SET description = substring_index(NEW.description,"({lang_",1)
END IF;   //

Thank you, will look into this :slight_smile: