Changing Font Size in Data Type HTML Editor

How does one change the default Font Size for the Data Type = HTML Editor?

It set so small, and it seems like ONLY the end-user of the app can change it. Surely there is a way to change the Font Size for the HTML Editor either as a default value or ideally on a project by project basis?

Please can someone advise.

I had the same need and I could not find the way to do.

Great when you don’t get engineering support especially for something so common :confused:

You can do that with a little piece of JavaScript code.
Paste this into the “onLoad” event:

    (function changeHtmlEditor(){
        var editors = [];
        var changeEditor = function(){
            for(var x = 0; x < editors.length; x++){
                editors[x].getDoc() = 20; // here is where the 'magic' happens
        // wait until one or more editor is created by ScriptCase or
        // loop reaches its limit
        var maxLoop = 100;
        var currentLoop = 0;
        var interval = setInterval(function(){
            editors = tinyMCE.get();
            if(editors.length || currentLoop >= maxLoop){
        }, 50);

Thanks buddy

Glad I could be of help

Hi Mamede, when using your script with the new feature “[SIZE=12px]Use a template from the HTML Editor.[/SIZE] [SIZE=12px]Allows you to use the new Tinymce options. Select a HTML Editor template or edit/create your own.[/SIZE]” in SETTINGS, and than as data type I choose Html Editor, and finally in “[SIZE=12px]Use a HTML editor template” I choose a template I made, the scripts doesn’t works. Do you know what to change in the code to fix it? Thank you[/SIZE]

Sorry buddy, I dont know