changing parameters in the same connection

I have two one control applications where the user enters the database then click on send and then passes control the other application where it asks for the username and password database.

What I need is to change the database connection “NO CHANGE CONNECTION” must be replaced by the database and entered in the first control application.

a connection = multiple database.

Please help


Could you please elaborate a bit more on your question? I would like to get a bit more of clarification on what you are looking to accomplish.

If what you are trying to do is to change the database connection dynamically, the first step is to create both connections on your project. Once you do that, you can use sc_change_connections to use it according to your business logic.

Please see:

Bernhard Bernsmann

I need to change at runtime the data stored in the connection.
I used to have several connections proque if I have 500 clients who need to enter would have to have 500 connections.

Each client has its database and when the enter the control application will ask what is your database and after that you have to change the data base of the connection for which the client income and so are the requirements for 500 clients.


Could you provide me a few details regarding your system? Why do you need a database to each client? Are they deployed on the same host (I mean, a single website to all 500 clients)? Do you connect to those databases with different credentials (a username and password for each one?)

You could get in touch with our support to see if there is a feasible solution to this issue.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Each client has his database and all database are on the same hosting.
What I need is that when the user enters:


connecting to the database that corresponds to the program ScriptCase but only has a data connection should vary within the username and password.

That’s why I used the macro exchange connection.

Please help


There is no such macro. I have sent your request as a suggestion to our development team.

Unfortunately I believe you will have to create each connection, or you could try to program this by yourself.

Another alternative would be to contact our support regarding the issue, they may have a proper solution to the problem. Our chat is active on workdays from 8:00am to 6:00pm (GMT -3), and our ticket system is always available.

Bernhard Bernsmann