"&" char within of a ID can make some strange behaviors in SELECT ?

I got a super standard select on a field ID (CategoryID) but I got a problem with some ID containing special chars.

SELECT CategoryID, Descrizione_Web
FROM categories
WHERE CategoryID = ‘{CategoryID}’
ORDER BY Descrizione_Web

In my case the ID is “PCBG_C&C”.
Due to the fact that only where there is & there are problems I suppose that it’s not possible.

How can I modify the SELECT to read all the ID with also the & inside ?? Now it seems that it try to read PCBG_C and then it do not find the category description.


You could try to use the addslashes php function to escape the characters.

Hello Albert,
thanks, just to understand…
may I add the adslashes within the mysql query ?

WHERE CategoryID = adslashes( ‘{CategoryID}’ )

I don’t think that is possible …

No, you need to put this in the onvalidate event, or in the beforeinsert/update.

OK . Many thanks. I’ll try