When upload files with multiple-upload control the filename dosen`t save correctly.
The correct filename is: ACTA N? 17-autoridades (251115) (1).doc
When it save the form, this code runs on mssql:
declare @p1 int
set @p1=15
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,NULL,N’INSERT INTO dbo.archivos_acordadas (archivo, filename, id_acordada) VALUES ( 0xc390c38f11c3a0c20000000000000000000000000000, ‘‘ACTA Nº 17-autoridades (251115) (1).doc’’, 2097)’
select @p1
see how the filename characters change: ACTA N?? 17-autoridades (251115) (1).doc
Database mssqlserver 2012 enconding: UTF-8
Scriptcase Proyect encoding: Western (ISO-8859-15)