SC , when opening the theme option in the treemenu of the chart APP, the error append :
unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 1551 bytes | Script: /Users/myname/Sites/localhost/scriptcase/devel/lib/php/sc_unserialize.php linha: 22
SC , when opening the theme option in the treemenu of the chart APP, the error append :
unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 1551 bytes | Script: /Users/myname/Sites/localhost/scriptcase/devel/lib/php/sc_unserialize.php linha: 22
I’m currently having the same problem!
Did you ever get an answer to your query?
Did you solve it yourself?
I have completely reinstalled scriptcase 9.11.012 (3) and this error still appears!! What is going on at scriptcase, have they specialized in installing errors to keep customers on their toes?
Now it’s slowly getting embarrassing for Netmake, I can also produce junk!!