[CHARTS] Can't uncheck Grand Total


Anybody knows if there are some problem with charts? I’m creating a chart application, and it just always shows one bar because I get always Grand Total checked.

Don’t matters if I unchecked. If I uncheck, I click on Preview and my chart is showed correctly, once save, Grand Total is checked again and chart just show one bar with total.

I am having exactly the same problem. I hope this gets fixed soon. Very irritating.


I will send to Dev team. For the moment I recreated as a grid app.

Charts and Grids not working for me since the latest updates !
2 different Grids with Charts, the same date in the chart equal which one i open first !
After 2 different group_by i have to close my browser, cause the system doesn’t work anymore. Development is extremly slow after the latest updates !

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