Class declaration in Blank Application

Hi all,

When I used a class stament in Blank Application

I got the following error message, how can I solve this problem.

Class declarations may not be nested

The code I used is as follows, it is an tutorial example from the site
It works properly when I run directly as a php application.


class PDF extends FPDF
//Page header
function Header()
//Arial bold 15
//Move to the right
//Line break

//Page footer
function Footer()
//Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
//Arial italic 8
//Page number
$this->Cell(0,10,‘Page ‘.$this->PageNo().’/{nb}’,0,0,‘C’);

//Instanciation of inherited class
$pdf=new PDF();
$pdf->Cell(0,10,'Printing line number '.$i,0,1);

Re: Class declaration in Blank Application

Try defining the class in Tools/Libraries and then include the library in app. (Programming/Libraries)


Re: Class declaration in Blank Application

Hi, Scott,

I have solved this problem as per your advise. It works perfect!

[size=10pt][size=10pt]Thank you so much![/size][/size]



Re: Class declaration in Blank Application

i’ll Try this. really great thank scott.

Re: Class declaration in Blank Application

The methods contain the logic of the application, it do operation on the data. Each method has a declaration and body .The declaration includes the method name, return type, parameter, and accessibility. The body contains what method do, which determine the behavior of the object.The method can be static this means, it can be invoke without referencing to an object. For example the main function of your application.

Re: Class declaration in Blank Application

How i can include my libreri i try with sc_include(cod_fisc.php); but dont worke i have same error.

Class declarations may not be nested

This also happened to me. I really don’t understand why sc won’t let me write code in a blank application.
That’s what blank application means…
Now i will have to do extra code cause i really don’t understand how the sc_include works…