Clicking on a button I have to show a initial message with if

Hello all,
I got a form button with php code inside.
When I click on it the first message is …

echo ‘<script>alert(“Attention, now it will be create an Order which will contain all rows selected
All row previously selected will be deleteted”);</script>’;

How can I stop the prosecusion if the user instead ok click the “OK” button of Alert — it press “ESC” key to abandon the action.

If click ESC —> sc_exit(sel); or to previous form
If click OK —> carry on doing code.

I founded this googling but I don’t know how insert PHP code or macro (sc_exit(sel); or all code to run if YES) into an echo istruction
For istance x is a variable == true or == false ?? In SC I need to use $var not var only correct ?
Can I refer to it out of the echo line like IF (x==false) {sc_exit(sel); } else { run php code }

echo ‘<script type=“text/javascript”>
var x=window.confirm(“Are you sure you are ok?”)
if (x)
window.alert(“Too bad”)


Look at the parameters at the button. You can set a confirmation message there and all logic for continuation and abort is already there.

Hello Albert,

I got this php code within button

$result_sql = 0;
$sql_check_div = “SELECT IF( EXISTS( SELECT * FROM products_selected where CustomerID = ‘[glo_CustomerID]’ ) , 1, 2 )”;
//$sql_check_div = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products_selected where CustomerID = ‘[glo_CustomerID]’ ";
sc_lookup(my_data, $sql_check_div);
$result_sql = {my_data[0][0]};

if ($result_sql > 1)
echo ‘<script>alert(“There are no rows to be elaborated - Select at list a product !”); </script>’;

echo '<script type=“text/javascript”>
var x=window.confirm(“Attention, now it will be create an Order which will contain all rows selected
All row previously selected will be deleteted”)
<? $rispo==(x);?> //NO WAYYYYY !!!


if ((x) == false) {sc_exit(sel);} // If clicked NO…

else { … }

On confirmation message I can insert a text I suppose .
How can I obtain what I’m trying to do ?

need I to insert only “Attention, now it will be create an Order which will contain all rows selected
All row previously selected will be deleteted” ?

Googling I founded another hint. Do you think that it can work ?

echo '<script type=“text/javascript”>
var x=window.confirm("Attenzione ora verr? creato un ordine che comprender? tutte le righe selezionate - Tutte le righe dei prodotti precedentemente selezionate verranno poi cancellate

Attention, now it will be create an Order which will contain all rows selected
All row previously selected will be deleteted")

$rispo = ‘<script> document.write(x) </script>’ ;
echo "RISPO ". $rispo;

if ($rispo == false) {sc_exit(sel);}
else {

You can’t stop the execution of a PHP file. It’s readed and “executed” completly at once