Close a Control Application and RETURN to previous caller

In a Control APP, how can I return to previous caller (APP), once complete process on Ok button?

You can redirect the user with a flag. For example, in your onValidateSuccess event:

//  ...logic here...

sc_redir(APP_TO_RETURN, status="OK");

Then in your APP_TO_RETURN application you can read the “status” var, if it is equals to “OK” you can display a message to the user.

In a Control APP, how can I return to previous caller (APP), once complete process on Ok button?

onValidateSuccess event:

Im trying to use sc_exit(ok) or sc_redir([SIZE=12px]APP_TO_RETURN[/SIZE]) on the onValidateSuccess Event of a Control app, it is not showing a window with an OK button… the idea here is the normal behaviour, submit form–> get a message that it was submitted successfully…

On a control I want to submit the form with the ok button, show a javascirpt message when it has been submitted successfully–>Redirect to a specific page.

per the documentation sc_exit(ok) OK Displays a window with an OK button and returns to the previous application.

The form submits and redirects no message or window is ever shown Same with redir([SIZE=12px]APP_TO_RETURN[/SIZE]), the sc_redir has a call to sc_alert before it but it doesnt show an alert…

What is the logic that I have to use to get it functioning correctly ?

Greetings. I have:

Grid - Form - Control.

In the event onValidatSuccess Control, I can reroute (sc_redir (‘Grid’, ‘’, ‘_parent’)). Not wanting to return to Form. Wanting to return to Grid.

But, How do to return to Grid Control by pressing the cancel button (NO)?

Thank you very much.

If you want to bypass standard behaviour you need to apply your own custom php button. then you can cancel and sc_redir to the disired application.