Close iFrame with redir_target
Hi I’ve tried _blank but it still opens inside the iFrame??
It’s a menu app, and the default page is a login page.
When the user login I wan’t the app to load a new menu app with another default page??
Below is the onValidateSucces code from the login page:
$dir = opendir($this->Ini->path_aplicacao . “…”);
while ($file = readdir($dir))
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '_lib')
sc_apl_status($file, 'on');
sc_log_add('login', {lang_login_ok});
sc_user_logout('logged_user', 'logout', 'secapp_Login');
// Redirection parameters
// $redir_param = array( // Param list, add as many as needed
// "email" => "{email}",
// "param_2" => "value_2"
// );
// $redir_param = json_encode($redir_param);
// Redirection
$redir_app = ""; // Application name
$redir_target = "_blank"; // Target window (_blank, _self, _parent or modal)
sc_redir($redir_app, $redir_target);
Thanks in advance