[ATTACH=CONFIG]n73035[/ATTACH]NetMake is a master in wasting screen space, drive space etc. Whenever I open the generated code I end up with 2 or 3 times more lines than the code itself. That is because there are tons of empty lines generated. While this might be helpful in certain sections to separate chunks of code in this case it is terrible because it adds miles of scrolling. If one looks at any given generated file it has from 5 thousand lines to tens of thousands. Simple App like edit form has the code generated in every other line. WHY ? what is the purpose of making user scroll and scroll and scroll in order to view the code. This really needs to be changed. Although it does not add a lot to the file size it does add some kb and most of all creates humongous scrolls.
Please fix this issue and review the code generator to create more effective files. Generator should also create more notes and remarks in the code as they are almost not existent.